Summer Semester 2023

Computers and ‘machine-intelligence’ are frequently discussed as the means for addressing today’s critical educational challenges: learning remotely, learning at one’s own pace, learning according to one’s needs and background, providing quality education to all and for all. In this course, we welcome all master-level students with technical or non-technical backgrounds. Through the semester, we will cover topics on the intersection of Artificial Intelligence in Education, Educational Technologies, and Human-Computer Interaction and we will carry out hands-on exercises to deepen our understanding of intelligent learning technologies.
Teaching Form: Blended learning: Face-to-face lectures and practical sessions with online learning modules, and group work.
This project aims to explore the design, use and impact of generative AI systems, and specifically text-generators and language models, from the perspective of human-AI interaction and FATE (Fairness, Accountability, Transparency and Ethics) and in relation to learning. For this project, we will work in groups of 4 students on a predefined topic (each group will be assigned a different topic). During the first weeks, we will provide an overview of the project, its goals, and related theoretical and practical concepts. Then, the groups will work towards three
a. An initial presentation of their ideas, strategies and workplans to address the project’s topic;
b. A mid-term presentation of the work-progress up to that point
c. A final presentation of the finished project and a written project report in the form of a scientific article.
Teaching Form: Blended learning: Face-to-face milestones and consultation; online hackathon sprints.
In this seminar, we will explore research works and literature on the topic of Artificial
Intelligence in Education (AIED) with an emphasis on technological
aspects, such as AI algorithms, AI-enhanced learning environments and
AI-systems that are used in formal and informal education.
Teaching Form: Hybrid Blended-Learning. During the semester, we will have face-to-face and online meetings. Participation is required for all meetings.